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Science & Publishing

  • Medaka color varieties
    Science & Publishing

    Medaka Genetic Toolbox: Old fish, new tricks

    Since the 17th century, the tiny medaka fish that dart through rice paddies in Japan have been bred as living ornaments. Though in the wild they are a nondescript mud color, medaka occasionally turn up in flashier mutant varieties — orange-red, pearlescent white, black splotched — that were much prized by generations of fish fanciers.…

  • Maritime pine forest
    Science & Publishing

    Forest forecasts

    In 2009, after five years parching under the arid blue skies of Calcena in northeastern Spain, dozens of neat rows of maritime pine seedlings had grown unevenly. Some of the seedlings had died years ago, some were stunted but hanging on, while others grew tall and green. The trees were not in their native soil.…

  • Science & Publishing

    Spotlight on 2014 research

    From animal domestication to human genome variation, from loblolly genomes to lager genomes, from wild zebrafish sex to untangled metagenomes, last year brought plenty of high points for the GSA journals. So gathering a small selection of those high points into the 2014 Spotlight booklets was a challenging, but rewarding task for the editors of GENETICS…

  • Drosophila affinis
    Science & Publishing

    Meeting report: Defending Drosophila

    Fruit flies suffer from an image problem. Maybe it’s the alliteration in the name, or the association with bananas, but Drosophila have become a go-to target for politicians looking to ridicule wasteful public spending. In February, presidential candidate and US Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) questioned the NIH for spending: “…a million dollars trying to determine…

  • Science & Publishing

    April GENETICS Highlights

    The April issue of GENETICS is out now! Check out the highlights below of the full Table of Contents here. Nascent transcription affected by RNA polymerase IV in Zea mays, pp. 1107–1125 Karl F. Erhard Jr., Joy-El R. B. Talbot, Natalie C. Deans, Allison E. McClish, and Jay B. Hollick RNA polymerase IV (Pol IV) is required…

  • Dendrites often have an elaborate branched morphology important for receiving information from other cells or the environment. Recently, RNA-binding proteins have been implicated in the regulation of dendrite development. Antonacci et al. performed a candidate genetic screen for RNA-binding proteins that regulate dendrite morphogenesis in the multidendritic PVD sensory neuron (green) in Caenorhabditis elegans. The authors identify 12 genes that code for RNA-binding proteins important for dendrite development. Importantly, orthologs of these proteins have previously been implicated in dendrite development in Drosophila, and human orthologs are expressed in the brain, suggesting that they may regulate dendrites in humans as well. Image credit: Eugenia Olesnicky.
    Science & Publishing

    New in G3: Genomic selection, ortholog detection, and Drosophila lines with global diversity

    Check out the April issue of G3! Investigations A Bayesian Model for the Analysis of Transgenerational Epigenetic Variation Luis Varona, Sebastián Munilla, Elena Flavia Mouresan, Aldemar González-Rodríguez, Carlos Moreno, and Juan Altarriba G3 April 2015 5:477-485; Early Online January 23, 2015, doi:10.1534/g3.115.016725 Abstract | Full Text | Full Text (PDF) | Supporting Information Identification of…

  • G3
    Science & Publishing

    Mutant Screen Report: touchy worms

    Do you have results from a mutant screen to publish? G3’s Mutant Screen Reports allow you to publish succinct descriptions of useful genetic screens in a convenient format. The Reports fulfill one of G3’s goals: to make data from screens available to the community in a timely fashion. If you gently touch the front half…

  • Tape measure tangle
    Science & Publishing

    A glaring paradox clarified

    Last week, GENETICS published an editorial by Editor-in-Chief Mark Johnston about the influence of the Journal Impact Factor on science and discussed an alternative metric that emphasizes the research experience of the journal’s editors. The following is Mark’s response to some of the feedback he’s received: In my editorial I proposed a new metric for…

  • Drosophila affinis
    Science & Publishing

    March GENETICS Highlights

    The March issue of GENETICS is out now! Check out the highlights below of the full Table of Contents here.   Locally epistatic genomic relationship matrices for genomic association and prediction, pp. 857–871 Deniz Akdemir and Jean-Luc Jannink In breeding studies a distinction is made between the genetic value (additive + epistatic genetic effects) and…

  • Drosophila stage 10 egg chamber. DNA (blue) labels large nuclei of nurse cells and smaller follicle cells. Fluorescent in situ probes to chromosome-2 (red) and the X-chromosome (green) show condensin II mediated dispersal of chromatid fibers in nurse cells as they compact and form chromosome territories. Julianna Bozler and colleagues show that condensin II can exert mechanical forces great enough to remodel and pull nuclear envelope membrane into intra-nuclear vesicle-like structures, see Bozler et al. Image courtesy of Huy Nguyen.
    Science & Publishing

    New in G3: Fruit fly CatWalk, well fed Drosophila, and house fly sex determination

    Just in time for the 2015 GSA Drosophila Research Conference, the new issue of G3 features FlyCatWalk for sorting live Drosophila based on morphometric traits, a Drosophila genome-wide association study for nutritional indices, and autosomal versus y-linked male determination in house flies. Check out the Table of Contents below!   Investigations The FlyCatwalk: A High-Throughput…

  • Science & Publishing

    Chasing Brainbows

    Whether your computer screen displays a spreadsheet, a movie, or a LOLcat, you’re seeing  pinpoints of light in only three colors: red, green, and blue. But by varying the relative intensity of these three components, a pixel can transform into any one of a spectrum of millions of colors. The same principle lies behind the…