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Articles tagged Tips for Authors
(6 results)
Start with the parts list: Introducing standardized reagent tables
Transparent research starts with an unambiguous parts list. To help promote the wider use of identifiers and recognized symbols in biological research, FlyBase (with input from other model organism databases) is developing a resource for tracking and reporting reagents in a more standardized way, aiding curation into research databases. The GSA journals are now encouraging…
Publish your WGS data in G3 Genome Reports
Do you have whole genome sequence (WGS) data burning a hole in your pocket? Many high-quality WGS datasets languish unpublished and undescribed because they may not always—in isolation—reveal substantial new biological insights. However, the editors of G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics recognize that WGS data on strain variation, comparative analysis of different model organism species, and other rich…
Meet the editors at TAGC
Got a hot manuscript or a burning question for a GENETICS or G3 editor? Just want to talk about scholarly publishing in general? Here’s how you can track down an editor at The Allied Genetics Conference this week: Watch out for ribbons GENETICS and G3 Editors will be wearing silver “Editor” ribbons on their name…
Eight reasons you should get—and use—an ORCID iD
You may have seen that recently several publishers signed an open letter committing to requiring ORCID iDs for at least the corresponding authors of accepted papers. Perhaps you’ve submitted a grant application to one of the funders now requiring ORCID iDs for grantees. Or maybe you’ve been asked—or required—to use your ORCID iD in one…
How to write titles that tempt
You slave over writing your paper, trying to make sure that the introduction sets up a compelling story, that the results provide clear and convincing evidence for your conclusions, and that your discussion of what it all means makes sense. You and your co-authors edit relentlessly, passing the manuscript back and forth, improving it with…
Creating an “Open Educational Resources” e-textbook
Kevin Ahern and Indira Rajagopal, both from the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at Oregon State University, described the process of creating an interactive e-textbook in biochemistry while presenting at the Gordon Research Conference on Undergraduate Biology Education Research in the summer of 2015. G2G asked them about their experience writing and publishing and they…