GSA has begun to receive feedback from our members about the Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA) program from NIH’s National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS). And we are interested to hear your perspective, especially if you were eligible to apply for MIRA.

Got Feedback? (Credit: Alan Levine) CC BY 2.0
Please let us know what you consider the strengths and weaknesses of MIRA so that we can suggest improvements in the program for the future. Among the areas that we would welcome your reaction are the following (you may answer as many of these as you wish):
- If you were eligible for MIRA in the first round, but did not apply, why not?
- How was the application and review process? Could you fit your research program into the criteria?
- If offered an award, was the level of funding offered appropriate, especially considering the increased level of stability offered by the MIRA program?
- Do any of the conditions or policies associated with the MIRA program constrain your ability to continue your current activities?
- If you plan to accept the MIRA award, what are your major reasons for accepting?
- If you plan to decline the MIRA award, what are your major reasons for declining?
Please feel free to share this call for feedback with colleagues who were eligible to apply for this program, even if they are not GSA members. We are interested in a broad cross-section of responses.
You may post comments publicly below or send them confidentially to the Society at
Related post:
- “Funding Opportunity: NIGMS MIRA program” (March 18, 2016)