The Genetics Society of America is pleased to announce the 2022 recipients of its annual awards for distinguished service in the field of genetics. The scientists honored are recognized by their peers for their outstanding contributions to research and education. Awardees will present their work in a lecture series to be held online during 2022, dates to be announced.
The awardees are:
Thomas Hunt Morgan Medal
for lifetime contributions to the field of genetics

Michael Lynch, PhD
Biodesign Center for Mechanisms of Evolution, Arizona State University
Recognizing his founding of the field of evolutionary genomics, developing the concept of functional diversification by subfunctionalization in duplicate genes, and contributions to evolutionary quantitative genetics and conservation genetics. The award also recognizes contributions to training and mentoring of undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral researchers.
Genetics Society of America Medal
for outstanding contributions to the field of genetics in the last 15 years

Margaret Fuller, PhD
Professor of Developmental Biology and of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Reed Hodgson Professor in Human Biology
Recognizing pioneering work on cellular mechanisms that underlie Drosophila spermatogenesis which led to numerous discoveries pertaining to stem cell regulation, germline-soma interactions, and germ cell differentiation. The award also recognizes contributions to training and mentoring of graduate and postdoctoral researchers.
George W. Beadle Award
for outstanding contributions to the community of genetics researchers

Shirley M. Tilghman, PhD
Princeton University
Recognizing exemplary contributions to the genetics community and society with service on the National Advisory Council for the Human Genome Project Initiative and advocacy for transparent, equitable policies, openness in data sharing and publicly available databases, and sustainable funding policies. The award also recognizes pioneering contributions to mammalian imprinting.
Elizabeth W. Jones Award
for Excellence in Education

Alana O’Reilly, PhD and Dara Ruiz-Whalen, PhD
Fox Chase Cancer Center and eCLOSE Institute
Recognizing the development of educational platforms that promote equity and safe spaces where students integrate life experience and culture with scientific ideas to address fundamental questions in genetics.
Edward Novitski Prize
for extraordinary creativity and intellectual ingenuity in genetics research

Harmit Malik, PhD
Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
Recognizing innovative studies at the interface of evolution and chromosome biology, developing the concept of centromere-drive, and contributions to understanding genetic conflict wherein competition between genes with opposing functions drives evolutionary change.
Learn more about the achievements of the awardees over the coming months in the GSA Awards online lecture series and at the GSA blog Genes to Genomes:
For more information on the GSA Awards and past recipients, visit The Genetics Society of America serves an international community of more than 5,000 scientists who use genetics to make new discoveries and improve lives. GSA advances the field through conferences, the journals GENETICS and G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, advocacy, professional development programs, and more.