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Grants & Funding

Grants & Funding

2022 Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award Recipients Announced

The Genetics Society of America (GSA) and The Gruber Foundation are delighted to announce that the 2022 recipients of the Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award are Aude Bernheim, PhD, of INSERM; Kara McKinley, PhD, of Harvard University; and Viviane Slon, PhD, of Tel Aviv University. Funded by The Gruber Foundation and administered by the GSA, the Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award…

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    Tips for a successful Career Development Symposia proposal

    During my many interactions with grad students and postdocs, I have learned that a large number of early career scientists train on campuses where important career development services are not widely available. While some schools may provide a diverse array of such services, at many other institutions the only opportunity to enhance early career training…

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    How Boston postdocs created the career symposium they needed

    GSA is currently accepting proposals from students and postdocs for the next round of Career Development Symposia. Gain leadership experience and serve the early career scientist community! Many postdocs feel powerless. But early career researchers can work together to take control of their future, says Sarah Dykstra, a postdoc at Tufts University and co-organizer of…

  • GSA Trainee Organized Symposia
    Grants & Funding

    Spring 2017 Trainee-Organized Symposia announced

    We are proud to support three new symposia organized by student and postdoctoral members of the GSA! The goal of the GSA Trainee-Organized Symposia program is to empower our early career members to organize local events that enhance the professional development of their peers, including career skills symposia, networking events, and scientific symposia with substantial opportunities for…

  • Close-up view of a wild-type Junonia coenia wing eyespot pattern. Photograph by Arnaud Martin.
    Grants & Funding

    Behind the cover: CRISPR in color

    In the life of a butterfly, color is crucial. Color helps these flashy insects attract mates, avoid being spotted, or even signal to predators that they would make a bad meal. On the cover of the March issue of GENETICS is a close-up view of Junonia coenia, a butterfly with stunning blue eyespots on its…

  • Grants & Funding

    Nine ways you can fight the proposed federal research budget cuts (without going to DC)

    We have heard an outpouring of anger and fear from our members since the President’s budget proposal was released on March 16th. As GSA President Lynn Cooley and Vice-President Jeannie Lee argued last week, the proposed gutting of federal research budgets would be terrible for science—and worse for society. But this is just a proposal.…

  • Grants & Funding

    Trainee-organized symposia: Worms, evolution, & collaboration

    We are proud to support three new symposia organized by student and postdoctoral members of the GSA! Read more below about the recipients of the fall 2016 round of funding from the GSA Trainee-Organized Symposia program. Proposed workshops were evaluated by the Society’s Mentoring and Professional Development Committee based on their relevance to the GSA mission, the need for and the uniqueness…